More about YouthCare and their Continuum of Services...

Why did we choose YouthCare as our beneficiary this year?  Watch this video to understand the breadth and depth of the services they provide for our city's homeless youth:

As you can see, the comprehensive services YouthCare provides for our homless youth in the Seattle area,  go way beyond  basic needs- their caring staff and case managers offer a safe emotional and physical environment  for emergency shelter, employment training, educational services and counseling.  At the James W. Ray Orion Center, they offer two hot meals a day  for youth looking for respite, safety, and connection to people who care.
Last week, the ENGAGE team was priviledged to serve lunch to some of those youth. It was an awesome time for us to reflect on why we put on this tournament.  Thank you, YouthCare, for allowing us the opportunity to give back!

If you or your co-workers are interested in volunteering to serve lunch or dinner at the Orion Center, please take a peek at this link to learn more:

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